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Watch your upcoming chapter newsletters for updates on these and other area programs as we continue to cope with Covid-19 and its impact on the arts.

Inclusion Policy
To have your event listed here, please send information to Scott Heydinger, Your event should be musical in nature, take place within a Lexington/Louisville AGO chapter region and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Include a choral work or work for organ, harpsichord, or carillon; OR
  • be performed at least in part by a member of the Lexington/Louisville, KY AGO chapters; OR
  • be held at a venue in which a member of the Lexington/Louisville, KY AGO chapters holds a position.

Be sure to include the following:

  • Date and Time
  • Location, including city
  • A link to more information

These are guidelines. All decisions are made at the sole discretion of the Lexington, KY AGO Chapter Executive Committee. There is no charge.

Local Music Programs

september, 2024

october, 2024

november, 2024

december, 2024

january, 2025

february, 2025

march, 2025

april, 2025

may, 2025

© 2024 American Guild of Organists
Lexington, KY chapter